Digitize your company
What is Legally Compliant Archving?
Legally compliant archiving is an IT procedure, regulated by the Italian law, intended for the digital storage of several kind of tax documents, guaranteeing its legal validity over time.
Thanks to this solution, professionals and companies are relieved of the obligation to keep a paper archive, with considerable savings on printing costs, archiving and data management often for several years.
Comfort and simplicity
Legally compliant archiving benefits
No more paper for all kind of tax document.
Significant improvement in data management.
Time and costs reduction of archive management.
Faster documents search and retrieval
Corporate image modernisation.
Business and digitalization
How legally compliant archiving works
According to the President of the Council of Ministers of 13 December 2013 decree, the archiving system is regulated by strict standards to ensure the authenticity, integrity and availability of archived documents.
The digital archive consists of information packages, which include:
- payment package : information sent to the preservation system, according to the default format described in the conservation manual.
- archiving package: resulting from the transformation of one or more payment packages, according to the specifications contained in annex 4 of the aforementioned decree.
- distribution package: information sent by the preservation system to the user in response to a request.
From digitization to archiving
The different phases of the process
Documents digitization
Paper scanning or spool import if already in electronic format.
Saving files
Files saving on magnetic media with checking, signature and time stamp of digital documents.
Storage in outsourced data centers for the period defined by the law in relation to the type of document.
Legally Compliant Archiving
Storage in outsourcing
It is a preservation service, compliant and certified, external to the company, accessible by the customer via electronic device.
The storage manager is responsible for independently creating the deposit and storage packages. The Client can request the generation of consultation and distribution packages any time and for any tax necessity.
Legally compliant archiving:which documents it applies for
The procedure takes place in compliance with CNIPA Resolution 11/2004 and similar decrees and can be applied to the following types of documents: invoices, credit notes, transport documents, journal book, VAT registers, LUL, CMR …
Our projects
Case histories and clients
Check out the legally compliant archiving solutions we have implemented